Monday, February 22, 2016

Dealing With The Winter Blues

Hello Friends! Look at this picture above. Beautiful, right? WRONG! I am so sick of winter! Yes, this is a beautiful picture, if you like the cold, slushy sidewalks, bundling up in multiple layers just to go down the street. I, for one, am over it. OVER. IT. Please bring on the sun! I am not asking for summer weather (just yet) some spring weather would be nice.
     Living in Ohio, we have all four seasons. Which I love, I really do! I love spring when everything is warming up and coming to life. I love watching my Lilac bushes grow and the smell of the fragrant flower filling my nose!  I love fall with all it's crispness and colors! And every year I try to love winter. Sure it is beautiful when the snow and ice stick to the trees and plants. And wow is it beautiful to see light hitting the snow and making it glitter. But that is where it ends for me. Why can't we just have snow for Christmas and New Years and then be done with it. Just the other day our temperature was 61 degrees, followed by the 40's the next day. What a tease! There were so many people out and about and to be honest I felt bad for them. Everyone wants the weather to warm up so we can get out of the house and get out of the funk that is the Winter Blues. It is this time of year where we have had enough. I can't wait till the days of not bundling up to walk to library, to not have watch out for ice when walking on the sidewalks. To breathe in the scents of plants, trees and grass growing. When will this ice hell end? I am a summer baby and it seems like the older I get the colder I get. Literally. I remember being a young kid and playing in the snow. My parents were always yelling at me to "zip up my coat" and "put a hat on." I find myself saying the same things to my own kids. In just 5 years I went from running around the house in tanks tops to wearing multiple layers and slippers just to be remotely warm. I. Hate. It.
     So what can be done to help deal with the winter blues? Besides praying for warmth? lol not many but here are a few things that may help bring you n from the cold and warm your spirits!

1. Look into what plants you are wanting to grow in the spring/summer and research what all needs to be done to grow them successfully. If you need to plant indoors then you may be able to start working on that to warm up your "green thumb."

2. Start thinking about summer food that you want to try to make. Remember that some vegetables grow in different seasons. You can also explore the list and maybe find new recipes to add to your oldie but goodie summer food list!

3. Turn on a space heater in your bathroom and pretend it's summer! No, I am just joking. Unless you actually want to do this - then so be it. Go for it! Have a blast!

4. Make a bucket list of things you would like to do when the warm weather finally arrives. You might be surprised at the things you can come up with ahead of time!

I know this isn't a big list. Unfortunately if you live in a place that had winter you just have to wait it out. Be strong, friends! The warmth will be here again!  :)

From my cold location to yours!



  1. Here here! It was 60 here in Southern Ontario this past Saturday, 30 this morning. And snow later this week.

    1. We had really strong winds but that didn't stop people from trying to soak up the rays! :) the warmth was such a tease!Thanks for stopping by!


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