Saturday, January 30, 2016

Life Happens, And That's Ok!!

Hello Friends!

Whew! Things have been a little crazy lately, so I took a few days to untangle myself from the world wide web! (haha remember when that's what they called it??!) My Father in law is doing chemo every 29 days and his last does really took a toll on him and had another one Friday. My husband somehow hurt his shoulder and we have been dealing with doctors ourselves! Also my dear daughter Natalie turned 11 yesterday!

Yesterday we had a great day, we took Natalie to get her ears pierced and she handled it like a pro! I was so proud of her. It always amazes me how fast these kids grow up! I tried to explain to her that life is going to change as she gets older and things may be confusing and hard to understand, but of course at that age, you don't want to hear it. I didn't at her age. So we did a little shopping, a little eating and a little partying! I think it was one of her better birthdays to date!

With everything going on I just have been so run down! I have always been anemic since I can remember and I have to watch how I eat in order to maintain a decent iron level. I am really bad at this and usually have iron supplements around but I didn't have those either. This past week I had no motivation to really do anything, even get out of bed! I could tell that something wasn't right with me so I went out and picked up a bottle of Nature's Way Alive! Women's Energy Multi Vitamin/Mineral supplements. These things are loaded with good stuff! Fruits! Veggies! Vitamins! Minerals! So far I really like them. They are a little on the huge side and taste similar to how play-doh smells, but all in all, I think these will do just fine!

I am feeling better and things are calming down. I know better than to get comfortable because there is always another challenge for me waiting just around the corner. I know that hard time won't last forever, for you, or for me. I hope that you know that the storm won't always be hanging over your head and that you have the strength to weather the storm! May your tomorrow be better than today!


In the coming weeks I am going to be starting to use Hydroxycut - Let me know down below if you are interested in how it works, what I change as far as diet and exercise etc!

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