Thursday, May 4, 2017

Not Everyday Will Be As We Plan!

Hello dear friends!
Just a reminder that no matter how prepared we are, no matter how ready we think we are some days just don't go as plan. We have to be able to flow and roll with the punches. Remember feelings of today do not have to be feelings that are forever. Unexpected things occur pout of now where, people can let you down, you can let yourself down even. We need to remember:

Just because others do things that are hurtful, we can chose to be better people. To remember to be kind and treat others as we want to be treated. To remember that words hurt, contrary to the popular nursery rhyme. Our words and actions have a lasting effect, like a ripple in the water. What kind of ripples are being sent from you? Just a few things I have been thinking about today! Hope everyone has a great day!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Negative Comments From Youself!

Morning Friends!
I just want to chitbchat about negative thoughts inside your own head. Lately I have been hearing my kids making comments like "I'm so stupid!!" When they make a mistake or do something wrong. This drives me crazy, because I am my hardest critic. I tried to explain to then that they shouldn't be saying stuff like that, to which they reply "I know, I was joking." But they weren't. Isn't it how it starts? You are already putting yourself down, and someone else comes along and makes a similar comment and BAM- now you start thinking - "Well, if I think that l, and they think that, maybe it's true!" The seed of self doubt is planted. If it not ok for you to surround yourself with negativity, they why is it ok for us to continually put yourself down?
I have learned that you won't always have support, you need to be your own cheerleader. You need to be encouraging yourself and cutting yourself some slack for things that happen. We are human and make mistakes. I know I would tell someone I love the things that I have told myself, so why should I continue to put myself down? There are enough people out there who would be more than willing to tear me apart.
So much unnecessary negativity do you produce in your own head? Why do we allow ours to put ourselves down and shrug it off as a "joke?" I know I am guilty of it! It is hard to tell myself to knock it off!
Hope everyone is enjoying their day!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sometimes We Need To Just Breathe.

It's Sunday! Yeah and boo! Boo because tomorrow is Monday :( 
Yeah because today I decided is a day to breathe. The weight of the world has seemed heavy on my shoulders, the kids have been extra lovely (sarc.) and my internal compass is discombobulated! I need a day to relax, to breathe. To center myself, gather my mind, nurture my soul. I hope you have a great day and don't forget to make time for yourself! It is something that is often neglected! Enjoy your Sunday! 😀
🌞 day <--- lol that amused me. (More than it should have. 😜)

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Loving People When They Are Less Than Lovable

This is such a true statement, and also a really hard one to remember! When I think on my life, and my most unlovable moments, these are times when I did need love the most. When I was hurt, angry, sad, lonely. I think we can all admit that when we are feeling these emotions we may be less than lovable. We may have negative responses, attitudes, anger but in reality we need love. Even though at the time we might not admit it. I have a hard time remembering this, especially with four kids and a husband on sick leave! With so many people in the house there are bound to be moments of negativity and emotions on the rise. It is especially hard when I am overly stressed, to react with love to my children and husband. Some days I don't want to even deal with it. I struggle with the fact that I was an only child, and loved my alone time. My alone time helped me center myself. As a mother and wife you have to make sacrifices for your family, so my alone time has shortened greatly! I know that when my husband or children are acting in a negative manner, that I need to step up and do something. Even if I am feeling less than lovable that day. If I don't do it, who will? I don't want my children to look to the wrong people for love and acceptance. That is what I did and it lead to more pain and heartbreak in my life. So remember next time a friend or loved one is acting like a donkey (😉) that they might just need some love!

Monday, March 28, 2016

People can't change! (Or can they?)

This is one phrase that drives me crazy. A person can't change. I beg to differ. I absolutely believe people can change. I myself, have changed many many times I think people don't want to change or chose not too because, let's face it change can be hard. Especially when it comes to aspect of one's self. To say you need to change is admitting that you are not perfect. Our bodies are changing all the time cells are bing made as one ones die off. Our brains are changing, our taste buds etc, but people cannot change? Yes we can, but it requires daily work and looking inward. When I was growing up my parents were the example on how not to be and I learned a lot of negative behaves and reactions from living in that environment. I realized that I was being to treat people the same way my mother did, and honestly it made me sick. I had to make a conscious effort to think first and be aware of how I was treating people and reacting to situations. It was extremely difficult at first, but you have to have to want to change. Change for yourself to be a better person, not because someone is telling to you change. I still struggle with my attitude and responding to people but I don't mind. This means that I am still learning and growing. So what do you think? Can people change and why don't they?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Recipe For Life

(Image courtesy of foto76 at

Add a pinch of balance, a dash of moderation, mix well with a cup of common sense, bake at 365 days for 12 months, enjoy! 
Lol well that got cheesey quick!! I don't claim to have have life figured out but I do think that we as people tend to over-complicate things, I know I do! It took me awhile to get to where I am and I believe that it is because of my recipe.
First is balance. The is a natural balance in life. Good/evil. Right/wrong. For every act a reaction. In your personal life you have to work on balance. When bad comes you have to find the good in it or make some good. Balance the negative with a positive. While it would be awesome to have the scales tip with the weight of good things, in my world that just don't happen so I have to balance them myself.
Second is moderation. it seems like we are living in times of extreme! I see all these fad diets and man, it drives me crazy! One year you hear eggs are great. They are the "incredible, edible egg!" Then all of a sudden eggs at full of cholesterol and are bad for you. Then they went back to being good. I have seen this with many products. To me it is simple. Everything in moderation!! This goes with things in life. We need to show self control and stop over indulging. It is ok to want. Want gives you motivation. But you also be content. Don't the want take over your life. In so many was can this be dangerous and produce negative effects.
Common Sense Where has common sense gone? In the way people act and treat each is other has become deplorable! So often you hear about stopping the bullying in schools and Love one another. Where is this for adults? We have to set the example. The internet has allowed people tool rip people apart while they hid faceless behind the computer. It is simple to me. Treat others how you want to be treated! If you want to be forgiven (which I think most people at some point in their life want to be forgiven!) Then you have to forgive others, and most import forgive yourself. You are human and mistakes! Now let me ask a question. When does some need love the most? Answer: when they are less then lovable. This is a hard one, I admit. But think about it from you point of view. When you are hurt, sad, angry you don't act like an angel. You need love even if you don't want to admit it at the time.
So sorry this is a long post, I just felt it was important. And like I said I don't claim to know it all, or have all the answers. Just wanted to share what was weighing on my heart!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The World In Which We Live

I don't really use social media. I created a Google+ profile awhile ago and have been using that. Then I went to Tmz to post a comment and found Disqus. I watched  comments and exchanges between people and was sickened. People just attack others left and right and on a personal level. How do you attack someone on a personal level when you don't even know the person? What kind of society do we live in now? Maybe I am old fashioned. Maybe parents stopped teaching respect to others. In this day and age all you hear about is acceptance, love, respect. Where is it? While I might not agree with someone lifestyle choices, religion, or political views, it doesn't make that person less of a human for it. It is not my job to judge others. We all bleed red last I knew. I don't want someone to judge me so why would I do that to them. It is great to be passionate about issues, but i feel that one you attack someone, that person misses your point and automatically becomes defensive. Here's the thing tho, most people on the internet want you to get all worked up and fight back. I like to laugh at them and tell them they are funny because I don't care what people say, and chances are what they say to me probably isn't worse than what I have said to myself. I try to remember that people who others are most likely hurt themselves, weather they lack self esteem, or someone has hurt them. You need to forgive them, love them, and if you are religious pray for them. This is hard because it is hard to love someone when you feel that they don't deserve it, but honestly that is when they need it most. You may not be able to get through to that person but you can feel good that you rose above the hate and negativity, because they doesn't seem to many people who will.

I have not always been like this, keep in mind. It took growing up and maturing to realise. You live, you love, and hopefully learn.

What are your thoughts? How do you deal with negativity and rude people?

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