Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Negative Comments From Youself!

Morning Friends!
I just want to chitbchat about negative thoughts inside your own head. Lately I have been hearing my kids making comments like "I'm so stupid!!" When they make a mistake or do something wrong. This drives me crazy, because I am my hardest critic. I tried to explain to then that they shouldn't be saying stuff like that, to which they reply "I know, I was joking." But they weren't. Isn't it how it starts? You are already putting yourself down, and someone else comes along and makes a similar comment and BAM- now you start thinking - "Well, if I think that l, and they think that, maybe it's true!" The seed of self doubt is planted. If it not ok for you to surround yourself with negativity, they why is it ok for us to continually put yourself down?
I have learned that you won't always have support, you need to be your own cheerleader. You need to be encouraging yourself and cutting yourself some slack for things that happen. We are human and make mistakes. I know I would tell someone I love the things that I have told myself, so why should I continue to put myself down? There are enough people out there who would be more than willing to tear me apart.
So much unnecessary negativity do you produce in your own head? Why do we allow ours to put ourselves down and shrug it off as a "joke?" I know I am guilty of it! It is hard to tell myself to knock it off!
Hope everyone is enjoying their day!

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