Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The World In Which We Live

I don't really use social media. I created a Google+ profile awhile ago and have been using that. Then I went to Tmz to post a comment and found Disqus. I watched  comments and exchanges between people and was sickened. People just attack others left and right and on a personal level. How do you attack someone on a personal level when you don't even know the person? What kind of society do we live in now? Maybe I am old fashioned. Maybe parents stopped teaching respect to others. In this day and age all you hear about is acceptance, love, respect. Where is it? While I might not agree with someone lifestyle choices, religion, or political views, it doesn't make that person less of a human for it. It is not my job to judge others. We all bleed red last I knew. I don't want someone to judge me so why would I do that to them. It is great to be passionate about issues, but i feel that one you attack someone, that person misses your point and automatically becomes defensive. Here's the thing tho, most people on the internet want you to get all worked up and fight back. I like to laugh at them and tell them they are funny because I don't care what people say, and chances are what they say to me probably isn't worse than what I have said to myself. I try to remember that people who others are most likely hurt themselves, weather they lack self esteem, or someone has hurt them. You need to forgive them, love them, and if you are religious pray for them. This is hard because it is hard to love someone when you feel that they don't deserve it, but honestly that is when they need it most. You may not be able to get through to that person but you can feel good that you rose above the hate and negativity, because they doesn't seem to many people who will.

I have not always been like this, keep in mind. It took growing up and maturing to realise. You live, you love, and hopefully learn.

What are your thoughts? How do you deal with negativity and rude people?



  1. Run away and keep calm
    Another choice is reading your channel. Smile. ;)

  2. Lol sometimes running away sounds nice but unless I can go to another planet I am stuck with this one!! Thanks so much for the kind words Fred!

  3. Michelle, Its been horribly rough for me this past year & a half. Mother passed 2015, brother passed 2016. I have only 1 sister left & we do not get along like issues.. blah blah blah..Long story short. I have not felt "Alive" for sometime.. Im not sure how i came across your site but im delightfully greatful..Your warm, kind choice of words have enlighten my "Soggy" world..THANK YOU, thank you for that..

    1. You are so very welcome! I'm sorry that you have all that to deal with. I'm sorry that I am just seeing you comment now. I have started a channel on disqus, and I hope you check it out. Here is the link

      I just want you to know that you are never alone, even though you may feel that way. Take one day at a time! You've got this! I truly hope you stop by my channel. I have posted on there more than I do here, as this never really got going. You may have to create an account and if you do stop by just leave a comment that you are from my blog. Here is a summary of my channel: A place to go to give and receive encouragement. A light in the darkness and a network of support.

      Also here is a link for a post I wrote about the first part of my life, I haven't had time to do the other half yet

      It really is a great group of people and I hope to see you over there! You are in my prayers! Keep your head up!


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