Wednesday, January 20, 2016

10 Random Facts About Me

Hello Friends! 
I hope everyone is having a great day today! I decided to do a 10 Things You Didn't Know About Me Post. Just to give you a little information about me. So without further ado....

1. I am left handed (Kinda?!) - I write left handed but throw, hit and just about everything else with my right hand. I can eat using either hand and when I was little I would practice writing with both hands.

2. I had Meningitis! - Back in the 90's when I was about 12 I developed Meningitis. This was right before the big outbreak happened, back when we had no idea what is was. If it hadn't of been for my Aunt, who is a nurse, I would have died. I am lucky to of had survived with minimal side effects.

3. I have a crooked tongue! - My tongue is off a few degrees because of having the Meningitis! Haha! It is only noticeable if I stick my tongue out at someone! I will take this side effect over major brain damage that I could of had! Plus it is a great thing to show off at parties!! 

4. I can speed read and retain the info! - This is a blessing and a curse at the same time! I love that I read fast, I can read a book like it's nobody's business, but being able to retain the info makes it so that I don't really read a book more than once.

5. I used to sing but I stopped. - Growing up I loved singing! I was always in choir class and Show Choir. Music is my life, if feeds my soul and I can always find a song to relate to how I am feeling. I also entered competitions and won. When I was 13, my grandmother was dying of Cancer, and had asked me to sing to her and for some reason I didn't. Since then I stopped publicly singing. I guess I felt that since I couldn't do it for her, no one else gets to hear me because she was the one who wanted to hear me the most and I froze. 

6. I attended a VERY small school! - When I say small I mean really mean SMALL! Our class had roughly 35 people in our graduating class. Our High School house 7-12th grade and we didn't have a football team. It was funny because you either had to be in band or choir (most people chose band) and when the band would perform it would just be for the choir basically! LOL Sidenote: I hated the small school at the time because EVERYBODY know everything about you, but I did have some very awesome teachers, and with such small class sizes we got a lot of attention, Our math class about 7 people in it.

7. I try to paint. - Ok so I secret obsession with watching Bob Ross paint. I could watch him paint his happy little clouds all day! I have a little artistic talent so I began my own oil painting using the same wet on wet technique that good 'Ol Bob uses. Fist let me say, it is harder than it looks! My "happy accidents" weren't so happy but over time I improved. My first painting, I thought was bomb! If you know anything about oil painting, it takes a LONG time to dry. So here is my awesome painting, I got work and come home, only to find that while I was gone my darling 2 year old at the time, thought it was a good idea to do a dance on my painting and smear it into the carpet! I was mad at first but after I laughed because his little foot prints were on the canvas. So I saved it. ;)

8. I was a certified medical assistant! - I love helping people! In high school I went to a Vocational School where I became certified. I worked in a Pediatrician's office, a Veterinary Office and a regular family practice. My goal was to be an x-ray technician. That was my dream job. Little did I know that 5 kids would deter that.  

9. I don't drive! - I have had my temps before but I have never had my license. I really don't have a desire to drive. The main reason I don't drive is because I have wickedly bad eye sight. SO bad that if I am not wearing my contacts in I can't see right in front of my face. It scares me that I could be driving and have contact issue and be stuck somewhere. With my glasses, I just can see on the sides of me. I never really picture me driving anyway. Funny Fact: Since I have never really drove for a long period of time, when I dream about driving it is always from the passenger seat! 

10. I am a free spirit at heart! - I was an only child growing up and wasn't allowed to have friends so I spent a lot of time alone. I love being in nature and seeing new things, trying new foods. Sometimes it is hard for me being a stay at home mom of 5 because I crave my alone time. This is something I work on frequently, it has nothing to do with my family, it is just what my soul craves. I know they won't be in the house forever and I will get to have my time again and that helps when when my soul says "GO!" (please don't take that as my soul telling me to leave my family! LOL that's not it at all! Hahaha!)

Well, there you have it! Ten things you may not know! I hope you all have a great weekend! Let me know your hidden talents or little quirks that you have down below!!


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