Saturday, April 2, 2016

Loving People When They Are Less Than Lovable

This is such a true statement, and also a really hard one to remember! When I think on my life, and my most unlovable moments, these are times when I did need love the most. When I was hurt, angry, sad, lonely. I think we can all admit that when we are feeling these emotions we may be less than lovable. We may have negative responses, attitudes, anger but in reality we need love. Even though at the time we might not admit it. I have a hard time remembering this, especially with four kids and a husband on sick leave! With so many people in the house there are bound to be moments of negativity and emotions on the rise. It is especially hard when I am overly stressed, to react with love to my children and husband. Some days I don't want to even deal with it. I struggle with the fact that I was an only child, and loved my alone time. My alone time helped me center myself. As a mother and wife you have to make sacrifices for your family, so my alone time has shortened greatly! I know that when my husband or children are acting in a negative manner, that I need to step up and do something. Even if I am feeling less than lovable that day. If I don't do it, who will? I don't want my children to look to the wrong people for love and acceptance. That is what I did and it lead to more pain and heartbreak in my life. So remember next time a friend or loved one is acting like a donkey (😉) that they might just need some love!
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